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Omslag Children’s Rights (1. ed.)

Children’s Rights (1. ed.)

The Convention on the Rights of the Child in Danish Law

Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk, og Hanne Harto

This book is about children's rights seen from a legal perspective. The purpose of the book is to take a look at how children's rights are protected in the UN Convention on the Rights of the child and how they are respected in a Danish context. The Convention has given rise to constant discussion in legal theory - What is the status of the Convention? What legal significance does it have? How is the child protected by the provisions of the Convention? What individual rights does the Convention give each child? How are children's rights protected in Danish law and practice? The authors try to address these issues both on a general level and by looking at specific areas of Danish law in which children's rights appear to be under pressure or give rise to further investigation. The book is aimed at a Scandinavian audience with insight into the social structures of Nordic welfare States and their organization. However, the book may easily appeal to a wider readership but with the proviso that the chapters of the book presuppose some knowledge of the authorities and forms of regulation in Scandinavian countries.

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Omslag Retssikkerhedsloven (1. udg.)

Retssikkerhedsloven (1. udg.)

Lov om retssikkerhed og administration på det sociale område

Søren Blæsbjerg, Hanne Hartoft, John Klausen, og Trine Schultz

Retssikkerhedsloven indeholder regler om, hvordan myndighederne skal behandle sager på det sociale område. Herudover er strukturen for de sociale myndigheder fastlagt i loven. Den indeholder endvidere regler om myndighedernes ansvar, sammensætning samt statistik og analyse mv. Retssikkerhedsloven blev indført i 1998 og er ændret mere end 100 gange. Kommentaren er ajourført t.o.m. februar 2022. Lovkommentaren vil være et nyttigt arbejdsredskab i forbindelse med både generelle spørgsmål om tilrettelæggelsen af sagsbehandling mv. og i forbindelse med konkrete spørgsmål om lovens anvendelse i enkeltsager.

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Omslag Socialret (3. udg.)

Socialret (3. udg.)

Forsørgelse og beskæftigelse

John Klausen, Trine Schultz, og Nina von Hielmcrone

Målet med Socialret er at give en systematisk gennemgang af retsgrundlaget for kommunernes administration på forsørgelses- og beskæftigelsesområdet. Bogen vil kunne anvendes som opslagsbog for sagsbehandlere, rådgivere og andre med særlig interesse for området. Bogen vil ligeledes være relevant i undervisningssammenhæng. Socialret behandler den lovgivning, som har relation til opgaverne i de kommunale jobcentre og dermed den lovgivning, der må forudsættes bekendt dels af medarbejdere, der er beskæftiget i jobcentrene og dels de rådgivere og andre, der varetager opgaver i forbindelse med sager, der har været behandlet i den kommunale forvaltning inden for forsørgelses- og beskæftigelsesområdet. Bogens forfattere er professor (mso), ph.d. John Klausen, professor (mso), ph.d. Trine Schultz og lektor (em.) Nina von Hielmcrone. Alle tre forfattere er ansat ved Juridisk Institut på Aalborg universitet og har gennem en lang årrække forsket og undervist inden for det socialretlige område.

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Omslag Socialret (3. udg.)

Socialret (3. udg.)

Børn og unge

Trine Schultz, Hanne Hartoft, John Klausen, og Anne Mørk

Formålet med denne 3. udgave er som i tidligere udgaver at give en systematisk gennemgang af retsgrundlaget for kommunernes administration af børne- og ungeområdet, der afspejler en række centrale socialretlige problemstillinger. Siden sidste udgave er barnets lov trådt i kraft, hvilket betyder, at reglerne om sociale indsatser overfor børn, unge og deres familier, herunder børn og unge med funktionsnedsættelser er udskilt fra serviceloven og placeret i en ny særskilt hovedlov. En lang række bestemmelser videreføres fra serviceloven til barnets lov, men nye bestemmelser er kommet til, med henblik på at sikre, at sagsbehandlingen i kommunerne tager udgangspunkt i et »tidssvarende børnesyn«, hvor »børnene sættes først«. Dette har givet anledning til at foretage en gennemgående revision af bogen – og samtidig har vi ønsket at begrænse omfanget af fremstillingen. Derfor er kapitlerne om magtanvendelse under anbringelsen og finansiering m.v. udgået og indarbejdet i øvrige relevante kapitler. Bogens ærinde er med udgangspunkt i de socialretlige regler at bidrage til en samlet fremstilling af de relevante lovområder, herunder tillige tværgående principper og regler. Derfor behandles den lovgivning, som har relation til opgaverne i de kommunale børn og unge-forvaltninger, og dermed den lovgivning, der må forudsættes bekendt dels af medarbejdere, der er beskæftiget med sager vedr. udsatte børn og unge, og dels af rådgivere og andre, der varetager opgaver i forbindelse med sådanne sager. Bogen kan endvidere anvendes som opslagsbog for børne- og ungerådgivere, andre sagsbehandlere og rådgivere og andre med særlig interesse for området. Ligeledes er bogen relevant i undervisningssammenhæng.

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Akut anbringelse af nyfødte

Trine Schultz og Hanne Hartoft

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Ugyldige afgørelser i socialretten II

Trine Schultz og John Klausen

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Ugyldige afgørelser i socialretten

Trine Schultz og John Klausen

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Chapter 11. What Constitutes the Sale of a Child? An Examination of Danish and International Law

(Side 289 – 310)

Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk, og Hanne Harto

This book is about children's rights seen from a legal perspective. The purpose of the book is to take a look at how children's rights are protected in the UN Convention on the Rights of the child and how they are respected in a Danish context. The Convention has given rise to constant discussion in legal theory - What is the status of the Convention? What legal significance does it have? How is the child protected by the provisions of the Convention? What individual rights does the Convention give each child? How are children's rights protected in Danish law and practice? The authors try to address these issues both on a general level and by looking at specific areas of Danish law in which children's rights appear to be under pressure or give rise to further investigation. The book is aimed at a Scandinavian audience with insight into the social structures of Nordic welfare States and their organization. However, the book may easily appeal to a wider readership but with the proviso that the chapters of the book presuppose some knowledge of the authorities and forms of regulation in Scandinavian countries.

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Chapter 7. Legal Protection of Refugee and Migrant Children

(Side 177 – 214)

Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk, og Hanne Harto

This book is about children's rights seen from a legal perspective. The purpose of the book is to take a look at how children's rights are protected in the UN Convention on the Rights of the child and how they are respected in a Danish context. The Convention has given rise to constant discussion in legal theory - What is the status of the Convention? What legal significance does it have? How is the child protected by the provisions of the Convention? What individual rights does the Convention give each child? How are children's rights protected in Danish law and practice? The authors try to address these issues both on a general level and by looking at specific areas of Danish law in which children's rights appear to be under pressure or give rise to further investigation. The book is aimed at a Scandinavian audience with insight into the social structures of Nordic welfare States and their organization. However, the book may easily appeal to a wider readership but with the proviso that the chapters of the book presuppose some knowledge of the authorities and forms of regulation in Scandinavian countries.

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Chapter 8. The Right to Education. The Case of Denmark

(Side 215 – 248)

Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk, og Hanne Harto

This book is about children's rights seen from a legal perspective. The purpose of the book is to take a look at how children's rights are protected in the UN Convention on the Rights of the child and how they are respected in a Danish context. The Convention has given rise to constant discussion in legal theory - What is the status of the Convention? What legal significance does it have? How is the child protected by the provisions of the Convention? What individual rights does the Convention give each child? How are children's rights protected in Danish law and practice? The authors try to address these issues both on a general level and by looking at specific areas of Danish law in which children's rights appear to be under pressure or give rise to further investigation. The book is aimed at a Scandinavian audience with insight into the social structures of Nordic welfare States and their organization. However, the book may easily appeal to a wider readership but with the proviso that the chapters of the book presuppose some knowledge of the authorities and forms of regulation in Scandinavian countries.