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- Forfatter eller redaktør: Marit Wenda Kjørsvik x
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EU-Kommissjonens grønnbok om samarbeid mellom foretaksregistre
Marit Wenda Kjørsvik
Åpenhet om eierskap i norske foretak – arbeidet med elektronisk aksjeeierbok
Marit Wenda Kjørsvik
In 2014, Norwegian authorities stated the need for more transparent and effective list of shareholders in Norwegian companies according to the Norwegian Companies Act § 4-5. Research for adequate solutions started, but no final solution has been decided. The process seems to have been delayed due to the implementation of the fourth EU Anti-money Laundering Directive. The article analyses the question whether the implementation of the Directive by a new law of Register of corporate ownership and beneficial ownership gives satisfaction to the aim of establishment of a more transparent and effective list of shareholders.