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Omslag Understanding the CISG (6th Ed.)

Understanding the CISG (6th Ed.)

A Compact Guide to the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Omslag Transnational Litigation and  Commercial Arbitration (4th Ed.)

Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration (4th Ed.)

An Analysis of American, European, and International Law

Joseph Lookofsky og Ketilbjørn Hertz

Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration is a case-oriented study of the key rules and procedures that regulate the resolution of commercial disputes arising in a transnational context. The study explains and compares European and American rules of private international and procedural law. Each main case is introduced both by a paradigm model, emphasizing and simplifying the key operative facts, as well as by a doctrinal presentation of the main issues and sources of American, European, or international law concerned. The court decisions themselves are all extensively edited and annotated by the authors. This 4th Edition, which has been completely revised and updated, takes account of recent developments in American law, including recent Supreme Court decisions on the exercise of juridical jurisdiction, and European law, including the Brussels I Regulation recast, effective within the European Union as of 2015. Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration is suitable for use in upper-level courses in American, European, and Comparative Law. It also serves as a useful reference for practitioners.

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Omslag Køb (6. udg.)

Køb (6. udg.)

Dansk indenlandsk købsret

Joseph Lookofsky og Vibe Ulfbeck

Bogen Køb handler om dansk indenlandsk købsret, det vil sige køb af løsøre i henhold til Købeloven af 1906 med senere ændringer, KBL. De første ni kapitler omfatter KBL-reglerne for civilkøb og køb mellem handlende, hvorimod forbrugerkøbets særregler drøftes i et kapitel for sig. I denne 6. udgave har forfatterne taget højde for den på retsområdet vigtigste lovgivning, retspraksis og litteratur, der er kommet siden udgivelse af bogens 5. udgave (2020). Kapitlet om forbrugerkøbets særregler er opdateret med de EU-forbrugerretlige direktiver, som siden januar 2022 har været en del af gældende (købs)ret. Det er fortsat tanken at give en introduktion til de køberetlige regler, der samtidig fungerer som en introduktion til nogle mere almindelige obligationsretlige regler – set i lyset af internationale påvirkninger. Joseph Lookofsky er dr.jur. og professor emeritus i formueret ved Københavns Universitet. Vibe Ulfbeck er dr.jur. og professor i formueret ved Københavns Universitet, hvor hun er leder af CEPRI (Centre for Private Governance).

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Omslag International privatret (5. udg.)

International privatret (5. udg.)

på formuerettens område

Joseph Lookofsky og Ketilbjørn Hertz

Denne bog angår den internationale privat- og procesret på formuerettens område, og gennemgår de processuelle regler om domstolenes internationale kompetence og om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske domme. International privatret gennemgår endvidere lovvalgsreglerne for aftaler, herunder løsørekøb (hvor også CISG behandles), erstatning uden for kontrakt og tingsret. Bogen omtaler desuden international voldgift og indledes med en oversigt over den internationale privatrets almindelige del. International privatret – på formuerettens område henvender sig både til jurastuderende, der beskæftiger sig med international privat- og procesret på formuerettens område, og til advokater, dommere og andre, der anvender reglerne i praksis. I denne 5. udgave er der indarbejdet ny retspraksis fra danske domstole og fra EU-domstolen, der har afsagt væsentlige domme om både lovvalg efter Romkonventionen og værneting efter Bruxelles I-forordningen. Endvidere er den omarbejdede Bruxelles I-forordning, der finder anvendelse fra den 10. januar 2015, indarbejdet i International privatret.

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Chapter 6. Remedies for Breach

(Page 125 – 184)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Chapter 2. Field of Application and General Provisions

(Page 13 – 54)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Chapter 4. Obligations of the Parties

(Page 77 – 114)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Chapter 3. Sales Contract Formation

(Page 55 – 76)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Chapter 5. Passing of Risk

(Page 115 – 124)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.

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Chapter 7. Agreed Remedies

(Page 185 – 196)

Joseph Lookofsky

The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: determining when the CISG applies; freedom of contract, opting out; interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; obligations of the parties; remedies for breach; liability exemptions, hardship; and disclaimers, agreed remedies.