Today no one questions the benefits of allowing consumers to choose freely between suppliers of electricity and telecommunications services. This is however a fairly recent development. Not long ago the provision of these services was reserved for few national public sector incumbents, who were often also entrusted with regulatory tasks. This development is interesting and notable in itself. However, equally or perhaps even more interesting, is the role played by competition law in the process. Most observers agree that competition law only played a limited role in this transformation due to the limited ability of competition law to address the special problems and complexity of the electricity and telecommunications sectors. These observations are based on perceived shortcomings in regulating these complex sectors of industry. As it will be demonstrated the observations are not only incorrect but also fail to do justice to the very active role played by competition law. Looking back on the process of liberalization that started more than 25 years ago, it is apparent that absent the ‘sledgehammer’ effect of its competition law tools, the EU Commission would have been significantly worse positioned in extending the internal market concept to the provision of electricity and telecommunication services. Arguably, the whole liberalization process would never have come about or would have taken a different direction. However, in this process competition law has been ‘twisted’ to a point of giving it a certain regulatory flavour. The purpose of this book is to develop the understanding of the liberalization process in its entirety including the role played by competition law. Moreover, some words of caution will be offered against expanding the application of competition law to these sectors further without careful consideration of the long term ramifications for the sectors and competition law.
Viser 1 - 10 af 68 resultater for
- Forfatter eller redaktør: Christian Bergqvist x
- Adgangstype: Alt indhold x
- Søgeniveau: Alt - Titler og Indhold x
- Arkiv: Aktuelt x
Between Regulation and Deregulation (1. ed.)
Studies on the limitations of competition law and its ambiguous application to the supply of electricity and telecommunications in the EU
Christian Bergqvist
Konkurrenceretten (2. udg.)
Christian Bergqvist
Siden vedtagelsen af konkurrenceloven fra 1997 har konkurrenceretten i Danmark udviklet sig til et betydeligt retsområde, der trækker på både økonomisk teori og EU’s konkurrenceret. Bogen behandler konkurrencerettens forbudsbestemmelser samt konkurrencebegrænsende aftaler og misbrug af dominerende stilling – dvs. konkurrencelovens §§ 6 og 11 og artikel 101 og 102 i EU-traktaten – foruden reglerne for håndhævelsen af disse bestemmelser. Denne anden udgave medtager de seneste ændringer i håndhævelsessystemet og reformen af bedømmelsen af vertikale og horisontale aftaler. Praksis fra de danske konkurrencemyndigheder inddrages i vid udstrækning tillige med den underliggende EU-praksis, der ikke blot fortolker, men direkte normerer håndhævelsen i Danmark. Konkurrenceretten er en grundig håndbog udstyret med omfattende registre, der gør bogen meget anvendelig som opslagsværk for såvel praktikere som håndhævende myndigheder og forskere.
Teleretten (2. udg.)
Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen, Christian Bergqvist, og Christian Fröhlich
Teleretten er et retsområde i konstant vækst og forandring som følge af den hastige teknologiske udvikling og teleinfrastrukturens centrale betydning for informationssamfundet og den digitale kommunikation. Formålet med bogen er at give en samlet fremstilling af de regler, der regulerer telesektoren i Danmark. Disse regler omfatter en betydelig mængde love, bekendtgørelser mv., hvoraf en betydelig del har EU-retlig baggrund. Målgruppen er primært advokater, dommere, jurister i televirksomheder og relevante offentlige myndigheder, organisationer mv., der beskæftiger sig med teleretlige problemstillinger. Bogens sprog, struktur og systematiske opbygning gør den desuden velegnet som lærebog på relevante videregående uddannelser, herunder jurauddannelserne.
Fusionskontrol i Danmark (1. udg.)
Christian Bergqvist, Jesper Kaltoft Sune, og Troels Poulsen
Formålet med fusionskontrol er ikke at hindre fusioner. Formålet med fusionskontrol er at hindre begrænsninger af konkurrencen som følge af virksomheders fusioner. Konkurrencelovens regler om fusionskontrol skal forstås ud fra formålet med loven, som er " ... at fremme en effektiv samfundsmæssig ressourceanvendelse gennem virksom konkurrence ...". Reglerne om fusionskontrol i konkurrenceloven har været gældende i mere end 11 år. Konkurrenceloven indeholder reglerne om fusionskontrol og tilvejebringer grundlaget for at hindre, at virksomheders fusioner skader den effektive konkurrence på et marked i forhold til situationen før fusionen. Omsætningstærsklerne for anmeldelsespligtige fusioner blev i 2010 sænket markant, og langt flere fusioner er derfor nu omfattet af anmeldelsespligt efter konkurrenceloven. Bogen behandler konkurrencelovens regler om fusionskontrol, som sikrer, at det forudgående vurderes, om en planlagte fusion kan forventes at føre til begrænsninger af konkurrencen. Bogen afspejler den proces, som anmeldelsen og behandlingen af en fusion gennemløber. Denne bog ser på det aspekt af den danske konkurrencelov, der involverer fusioner i virksomheder. Hvert kapitel gennemgår et led i processen omkring fusion fra anmeldelsen af fusionen, over behandlingsproces, bedømmelse og godkendelse. Herudover ser forfatterne også på fusionskontrol i Grønland og på Færøerne, hvor andre konkurrencelove gælder, hvilket man skal være særligt opmærksom på, hvis en fusion har tilknytning til Grønland eller Færøerne.
Løn og arbejdsforhold i Konkurrenceretten – Hvor står vi nu?
Christian Bergqvist
Det er traditionelt antaget, at konkurrenceretten ikke reguler løn- og arbejdsforhold og derfor ikke rammer fx kollektive overenskomster. Hverken indholdet heraf eller processen med at indgå dem via strejke og lockout. Som altid er realiteterne mere komplekse, da undtagelsen snævert er knyttet til det konkurrenceretlige lønmodtagerbegreb. Et begreb i opbrud, hvilket skaber konflikter og har fanget konkurrencemyndighedernes interesse.
Informationskarteller efter UK Tractor-sagen (3.2001 side 91)
Christian Bergqvist
Chapter III. The concept of Abuse
(Side 67 – 164)
Christian Bergqvist
Today no one questions the benefits of allowing consumers to choose freely between suppliers of electricity and telecommunications services. This is however a fairly recent development. Not long ago the provision of these services was reserved for few national public sector incumbents, who were often also entrusted with regulatory tasks. This development is interesting and notable in itself. However, equally or perhaps even more interesting, is the role played by competition law in the process. Most observers agree that competition law only played a limited role in this transformation due to the limited ability of competition law to address the special problems and complexity of the electricity and telecommunications sectors. These observations are based on perceived shortcomings in regulating these complex sectors of industry. As it will be demonstrated the observations are not only incorrect but also fail to do justice to the very active role played by competition law. Looking back on the process of liberalization that started more than 25 years ago, it is apparent that absent the ‘sledgehammer’ effect of its competition law tools, the EU Commission would have been significantly worse positioned in extending the internal market concept to the provision of electricity and telecommunication services. Arguably, the whole liberalization process would never have come about or would have taken a different direction. However, in this process competition law has been ‘twisted’ to a point of giving it a certain regulatory flavour. The purpose of this book is to develop the understanding of the liberalization process in its entirety including the role played by competition law. Moreover, some words of caution will be offered against expanding the application of competition law to these sectors further without careful consideration of the long term ramifications for the sectors and competition law.
Chapter II. The concept of dominance
(Side 37 – 66)
Christian Bergqvist
Today no one questions the benefits of allowing consumers to choose freely between suppliers of electricity and telecommunications services. This is however a fairly recent development. Not long ago the provision of these services was reserved for few national public sector incumbents, who were often also entrusted with regulatory tasks. This development is interesting and notable in itself. However, equally or perhaps even more interesting, is the role played by competition law in the process. Most observers agree that competition law only played a limited role in this transformation due to the limited ability of competition law to address the special problems and complexity of the electricity and telecommunications sectors. These observations are based on perceived shortcomings in regulating these complex sectors of industry. As it will be demonstrated the observations are not only incorrect but also fail to do justice to the very active role played by competition law. Looking back on the process of liberalization that started more than 25 years ago, it is apparent that absent the ‘sledgehammer’ effect of its competition law tools, the EU Commission would have been significantly worse positioned in extending the internal market concept to the provision of electricity and telecommunication services. Arguably, the whole liberalization process would never have come about or would have taken a different direction. However, in this process competition law has been ‘twisted’ to a point of giving it a certain regulatory flavour. The purpose of this book is to develop the understanding of the liberalization process in its entirety including the role played by competition law. Moreover, some words of caution will be offered against expanding the application of competition law to these sectors further without careful consideration of the long term ramifications for the sectors and competition law.
Chapter I. Market power and competition
(Side 15 – 36)
Christian Bergqvist
Today no one questions the benefits of allowing consumers to choose freely between suppliers of electricity and telecommunications services. This is however a fairly recent development. Not long ago the provision of these services was reserved for few national public sector incumbents, who were often also entrusted with regulatory tasks. This development is interesting and notable in itself. However, equally or perhaps even more interesting, is the role played by competition law in the process. Most observers agree that competition law only played a limited role in this transformation due to the limited ability of competition law to address the special problems and complexity of the electricity and telecommunications sectors. These observations are based on perceived shortcomings in regulating these complex sectors of industry. As it will be demonstrated the observations are not only incorrect but also fail to do justice to the very active role played by competition law. Looking back on the process of liberalization that started more than 25 years ago, it is apparent that absent the ‘sledgehammer’ effect of its competition law tools, the EU Commission would have been significantly worse positioned in extending the internal market concept to the provision of electricity and telecommunication services. Arguably, the whole liberalization process would never have come about or would have taken a different direction. However, in this process competition law has been ‘twisted’ to a point of giving it a certain regulatory flavour. The purpose of this book is to develop the understanding of the liberalization process in its entirety including the role played by competition law. Moreover, some words of caution will be offered against expanding the application of competition law to these sectors further without careful consideration of the long term ramifications for the sectors and competition law.
Kapitel XXIV. Leveringsnægtelse
(Side 897 – 928)
Christian Bergqvist
Siden vedtagelsen af konkurrenceloven fra 1997 har konkurrenceretten i Danmark udviklet sig til et betydeligt retsområde, der trækker på både økonomisk teori og EU’s konkurrenceret. Bogen behandler konkurrencerettens forbudsbestemmelser samt konkurrencebegrænsende aftaler og misbrug af dominerende stilling – dvs. konkurrencelovens §§ 6 og 11 og artikel 101 og 102 i EU-traktaten – foruden reglerne for håndhævelsen af disse bestemmelser. Denne anden udgave medtager de seneste ændringer i håndhævelsessystemet og reformen af bedømmelsen af vertikale og horisontale aftaler. Praksis fra de danske konkurrencemyndigheder inddrages i vid udstrækning tillige med den underliggende EU-praksis, der ikke blot fortolker, men direkte normerer håndhævelsen i Danmark. Konkurrenceretten er en grundig håndbog udstyret med omfattende registre, der gør bogen meget anvendelig som opslagsværk for såvel praktikere som håndhævende myndigheder og forskere.