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Stiftelse af kapitalselskab med udskudt retsvirkning

Troels Michael Lilja

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"Det elektroniske netværk" – unik selskabsidentifikator og filialidentifikator på vej

Troels Michael Lilja

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Stor ståhej for ingenting - Om stille selskaber og indre selskaber

Troels Michael Lilja

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Societas Unius Personae (SUP) – Direktivforslaget i et skandinavisk perspektiv

Troels Michael Lilja

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Konkurskarantæne og kapitalselskaber – om ejerbeføjelser og ledelsesbeføjelser

Troels Michael Lilja

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Iværksætterselskabet; ny anpartsselskabsvariant – So ein Ding müssen wir auch haben …

Troels Michael Lilja

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Den grimme ælling, der aldrig blev en svane

– Hvordan kom det hertil for iværksætterselskaberne (IVS)?

Troels Michael Lilja

The Danish entrepreneur company (IVS) was introduced in 2014 to avoid a boom of Danish branches of foreign companies while phasing out the »company with limited liability« (s.m.b.a.). In April 2019, the opportunity to establish new entrepreneur companies was abolished but no alternative to branches of foreign companies was introduced. A historical view on the legal development of minimum capital requirements for the private limited companies in Europe, Scandinavia and Denmark is given with focus on the Danish development. The opportunities for Danish entrepreneurs after Act 445/2019 are presented, especially with a focus on the opportunities through companies in Greenland and the Faroe Islands, since both have introduced the IVS; Danish entrepreneurs can do business through such companies without registering a branch in Denmark. Finally it is discussed whether the minimum capital requirements in the Nordic countries will disappear in the future. It is recommended that the Nordic governments should work for a harmonization of the minimum capital requirements for private limited companies, if they want to maintain a high requirement on minimum capital in the future.

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Kapitalafgang fra iværksætterselskaber

Troels Michael Lilja

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Lars Lindencrone Petersen, Morten Schaumburg-Müller og Peer Schaumburg-Müller Medarbejderrepræsentation i selskabsbestyrelser, 2. udgave, 2023, Ex Tuto Publishing

Troels Michael Lilja

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Key Lessons to be drawn from the Single Rule Book – Concluding remarks

Troels Michael Lilja og Niels Skovmand Rasmussen

Thearticlepresents a concluding remark in relation to the following articles: 1. Initial Coin Offerings – Are tokens transferable securities?, 2. The ESAs’ Union Strategic Supervisory Priorities: A new effective tool to promote supervisory convergence in Europe?, 3. The New Role of the European Banking Authority in AML/CTF: Strong Agency Powers and Sectoral Legislation Without Direct Effect?, 4. The principles guiding the ECB’s enforcement and sanctioning powers, and 5. Direct financial supervision in the EU and financial stability published in this and the previous issue of NTS regarding the enforcement of the Single Rulebook.



. Associate Professor, CBS LAW, Copenhagen Business School.


. Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark.