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- Forfatter eller redaktør: Niels Anker T. Rostock-Jensen x
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Hjemmelsgrundlaget for domstolsprøvelse af regeringsprærogativerne
Niels Anker T. Rostock-Jensen
Eksterne advokaters udfaldsvurderinger som »intern viden« under markedsmisbrugsforordningen?
Niels Anker T. Rostock-Jensen
This article examines external attorneys’ outcome assessments in litigation and arbitration cases in light of the Market Abuse Regulation’s rules on inside information and its disclosure. The article concludes that outcome assessments will often fall outside the scope of “inside information”, but the opposite may also occur. In principle, the possibility to delay disclosure should be considered relatively broadly, but the possibility to delay disclosure has some natural limitations, which are particularly relevant when the outcome assessment differs from the issuer’s previous communication on the matter.