Anvendelsen af forhåndstilkendegivelser i psykiatrien har eksisteret i formaliseret form siden 1998, og blev i 2015 indskrevet i psykiatriloven. I artiklen undersøges de retlige rammer for brugen af forhåndstilkendegivelser – navnlig spørgsmålet om, i hvilket omfang forhåndstilkendegivelser er bindende for de ansvarlige sundhedspersoner i situationer, hvor tvang bringes i anvendelse. Det konkluderes, at forhåndstilkendegivelser i visse særlige tilfælde er bindende.
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Psykiatriske forhåndstilkendegivelser
Matthias Smed Larsen
KFE 2023.974 (Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnets afgørelse af 3. maj 2023)
Fortolkning af husdyrbruglovens § 4 a – klage fra lokal forening – forholdet til miljøvurderingsloven – kommunens oplysning om ikke-screeningspligt – fejlagtige oplysninger om klageadgang iht. husdyrbruglovens § 4 a – ikke forvaltningsafgørelse – afvisning af realitetsbehandling
Denne sag vedrører en klage, som en lokal forening har indgivet til Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnet over en beslutning, som kommunen har orienteret foreningen om vedrørende ikke-screeningspligt ved etablering af en gyllebeholder. Det fremgik af den påklagede beslutning, at kommunen fejlagtigt oplyser forening om, at der er truffet en afgørelse med hjemmel i husdyrbruglovens § 4 a, og at afgørelsen kan indbringes for Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnet. Den indbragte klage afvises af nævnet med henvisning til, at husdyrbruglovens § 4 a ikke er en bestemmelse, der udgør hjemmel til at træffe konkrete forvaltningsretlige afgørelser. Nævnet forklarer, at § 4 a er en bestemmelse, der blot oplyser om, at miljøvurderingsloven ikke finder anvendelse, når der er tale om et projekt eller en del af et projekt, der er omfattet af husdyrbrugloven eller af de regler, der er udstedt med hjemmel i husdyrbrugloven. At kommunen fejlagtigt har informeret foreningen om, at den af kommunen trufne beslutning kan indbringes for nævnet, ændrer ikke på, at nævnet ikke har en kompetence til at foretage en efterprøvelse af kommunens beslutning.
. Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnets sagsnr. 23/01649.
. Vedrørende det forvaltningsretlige afgørelsesbegreb, der er afgørende for, om der foreligger en beslutning, der kan efterprøves af nævnet, se Niels Fenger ”Sag – afgørelse – part” i Niels Fenger (red.) ”Forvaltningsret”, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2018, side 76 ff.
Chapter 5. The Appointment of Arbitrators
(Page 59 – 84)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 8. The Arbitral Award
(Page 121 – 131)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 2. The Arbitration Agreement
(Page 29 – 39)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Arbitration in Denmark (2nd ed.)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 4. The Commencement and Preliminary Stages of the Arbitration
(Page 47 – 58)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 6. Conduct of the Arbitration
(Page 85 – 100)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 9. Costs
(Page 133 – 148)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.
Chapter 11. Interim measures
(Page 163 – 173)
Steffen Pihlblad, Christian Lundblad, og Louise Parker
This book is the second edition of Arbitration in Denmark. It offers an easily accessible overview of arbitration in Denmark. The book is based on the Danish Arbitration Act (2005) and the DIA Rules of Arbitration (2021), and it guides readers through the considerations behind the legal framework and the practical applications of arbitration in Denmark. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in arbitration in Denmark. Whether you are an arbitrator, lawyer, general counsel, or academic, the insights presented here will enhance your understanding and facilitate efficient resolution of disputes.