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Kapitel 2. Konkurrencebegrænsninger

(Side 35 – 390)

Palle Bo Madsen

Den foreliggende 9. udgave af Konkurrenceret (Markedsret Del 1) rummer ligesom tidligere udgaver en indledende præsentation af markedsretten som retsdisciplin efterfulgt af en nærmere gennemgang af konkurrenceretten. Fremstillingen har særligt fokus på dansk konkurrenceret, men inddrager i meget vidt omfang også EU-konkurrenceretten, som de nationale regler spejler sig i, og som virker i et tæt både materielt og håndhævelsesmæssigt samspil med disse. Fremstillingen af konkurrenceretten i denne Del 1 skal ses i sammenhæng med fremstillingerne af henholdsvis markedsføringsretten og immaterialretten, som udgives separat i Markedsret Del 2 og Markedsret Del 3. De tre dele tegner tilsammen disciplinen Markedsret, som denne her defineres. Fremstillingen kombinerer teori og praksis, og ambitionen er, at den kan finde anvendelse både som undervisningsgrundlag på videregående uddannelser og for praktikere. Ændringer i regelgrundlaget og ny myndigheds- og domstolspraksis har nødvendiggjort omskrivninger af flere dele af fremstillingen. Særligt er de seneste lovændringer, som følger af lov nr. 638 af 11. juni 2024 og gælder med virkning fra den 1. juli 2024, fuldt indarbejdet i fremstillingen.

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Kapitel 1. Markedsretten som retsdisciplin – og konkurrencerettens rolle heri

(Side 15 – 34)

Palle Bo Madsen

Den foreliggende 9. udgave af Konkurrenceret (Markedsret Del 1) rummer ligesom tidligere udgaver en indledende præsentation af markedsretten som retsdisciplin efterfulgt af en nærmere gennemgang af konkurrenceretten. Fremstillingen har særligt fokus på dansk konkurrenceret, men inddrager i meget vidt omfang også EU-konkurrenceretten, som de nationale regler spejler sig i, og som virker i et tæt både materielt og håndhævelsesmæssigt samspil med disse. Fremstillingen af konkurrenceretten i denne Del 1 skal ses i sammenhæng med fremstillingerne af henholdsvis markedsføringsretten og immaterialretten, som udgives separat i Markedsret Del 2 og Markedsret Del 3. De tre dele tegner tilsammen disciplinen Markedsret, som denne her defineres. Fremstillingen kombinerer teori og praksis, og ambitionen er, at den kan finde anvendelse både som undervisningsgrundlag på videregående uddannelser og for praktikere. Ændringer i regelgrundlaget og ny myndigheds- og domstolspraksis har nødvendiggjort omskrivninger af flere dele af fremstillingen. Særligt er de seneste lovændringer, som følger af lov nr. 638 af 11. juni 2024 og gælder med virkning fra den 1. juli 2024, fuldt indarbejdet i fremstillingen.

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Chapter 11. Are the flexible procedures promising too much by their name?

(Page 203 – 224)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 8. Central purchasing bodies between public procurement rules and State aid rules

(Page 151 – 162)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 5. Centralising procurement in the EU: the case of the new Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)

(Page 97 – 113)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 7. Competitive landscape of parallel framework agreements

(Page 131 – 150)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 2. CPBs in Scandinavia: Some perspectives on Denmark, Finland and Sweden

(Page 27 – 44)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 10. Dynamic purchasing systems (DPS)

(Page 187 – 201)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 3. The effects of centralised public procurement on prices and competition in Finland

(Page 45 – 75)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

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Chapter 9. Ensuring transparency in the call-off award with the reopening of mini-competition

(Page 165 – 185)

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – CENTRALISATION AND NEW TRENDS is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. As part of the project, a conference was organised in 2023. The conference brought together academics and practitioners working with centralised procurement across Europe. This book contains contributions based on presentations given at the conference as well as some additional chapters within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement. The publication is edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.